DELTA USA will be present at annual exhibition AISTech Columbus, OHIO (Greater Columbus Convention Center), 06-09th May 2024. Additionnal info: +1(412)4293574 or
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The Stereoscopic Width Gauge DigiScan XD500, designed for installation in cold rolling mills and processing lines, is a new compact gauge for measuring the width and centerline of strip or plate. The stereoscopic arrangement permits high on-line accuracy despite material hop, tilt,
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Presentation of Delta's range of products in a short and entertaining video.
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DELTA was present at METEC Exhibition from 25th to 29th June 2019 Like every four years, the exhibition METEC was held in Dusseldorf and DELTA was present with most of the worldwide sales people. This exhibition was the right moment for DELTA to show the new products launched recently like th
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DELTA introduces a new HMD, the Stato-Sonde Z50, giving many innovatives features and improved performances: operating T° up to 120°C without cooling, laser pointer, detection from 300°C, area of detection 15°x2° or spot 20mm at 3m, new hood and backpanel.... More
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DELTA was present at AIST Exhibition & Conferences 2019 DELTA was pleased to have a booth demonstrating our latest sensors at the annual AIST show. This year’s show took place in Pittsburgh, PA, USA; the home city of Delta’s North American office. It was great to see some long
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65 Years of experience in manufacturing Sensors & Systems for Steel Industry When DELTA was founded in April 1954, the idea was to developp electronic devices with special features not easy to find at that moment. Sixty five years later, DELTA is still the choice for Sensors and Systems sp
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BR4000, new portable radiant bar was designed to simulate hot products for the configuration of your sensors. The easiest way to test, precisely align and setup sensors is this new autonomous radiant bar. The Lithium-ion battery allows it to run up to 1 hour in continuous without cord or plug. Furt
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After the good succes of the Dilas FT1500, DELTA intoruduces a similar model, but with Digital Communication. The Dilas FT1600 is thus available in 3 different standard communication protocols: - Dilas FT1602: with Profibus-DP - Dilas FT1603: with Profinet - Dilas FT1604: with Ethernet Modb
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VFT1, new Optical Barrier, designed for detection without reflector, up to 10 m, even on high temperature targets. DELTA introduce an innovative solution for the detection of product in the difficult environment of the steel industry. Based on LED Time-of-Flight technology, the VFT1 is a ne
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In order to provide more information to its customers, Delta introduced some video. These video present the sensors, their applications, the new features, the accessories... They are available on the Delta's YouTube channel. Click here to access directly to the video: https://ww
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DELTA has launched a new Infrared Loop Scanner, the Rota-Sonde TS5500, for installation within hot rolling mills. The sensor measures the position of hot products and is used for horizontal and vertical loop control, as well as edge centreline position control. DELTA Rota-Sonde TS5500
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DELTA continues to increase its offer of laser sensors and launches a new digital, high resolution, compact non-contact laser distancemeter: Dilas FT1500. With highlights such as measuring range of up to 500 m, fast sampling time (from 10 ms) and high accuracy (+/-1 mm), suitable for high temperatur
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DELTA continues to develop Profibus protocol on its sensors. The new one to benefit of this feature is the laser distance meter Dilas FT4200. Based on the requests from customer, now this sensor is also available with a Profibus Communication protocol. Until now, Delta already introduced
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Driven by ambition to still innovate and satisfy its customer, the R&D department of DELTA developped a new HMD in the Rota-Sonde DC4000 family: the Rota-Sonde DC4500. The new features proposed are: - Easy alignment of the sensor with integrated laser line (model –LL) . - Easy
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